Somasekhara Rao Todeti


Assistant Professor

Date of Joining at NITK: 

Friday, May 15, 2015

Professional Experience: 

Worked as Assistant Research Scientist at Arizona State University, Tempe, USA.
Worked as Assistant Professor at NIT-Goa.

Contact Details



Academic Background

Ph.D – Design Engineering (IISc - Bangalore)
MTech - Machine Design (IIT - Bombay)

Areas of Interest

1. Engineering Design (Product Design)
2. Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanisms and Machines
3. Robotics
4. Multi-body Dynamics

Supervision of Ph.D

01: PhD Submitted
01: ongoing.

1. First PhD student, Mithun Kumar( is working on Nanocellulose composites.
He is co-supervised by Dr. Arun Isloor, Chemistry Department(
He is working on - Hollow fiber membranes for water purification

2.Second PhD student, Prashanth R Kubasad( is working on Orthotics.
He is working on designing an Ankle Foot Orthosis (AFO) to treat Drop Foot Disease.
To design the AFO, we collaborated with Dr. Yogeesh D Kamat,orthopedic, KMC Mangalore hosipital ( and Dr. Anupam Gupta,Neurological NIMHANS Bangalore (

Significant Publications

1. Somasekhara Rao Todeti and Amaresh Chakrabarti, “An empirical study of synthesis of multiple state devices by engineering designers”, National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (NaCoMM), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 12-13 December, 2007.

2. Somasekhara Rao Todeti and Amaresh Chakrabarti, “How engineers synthesize multiple state mechanical devices: An observational study”, International Conference on research into design (ICoRD’09), Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 7-9th Jan, 2009.

3. Somasekhara Rao Todeti and Amaresh Chakrabarti, “An Empirical Model of the Process of Synthesis of Multiple State Mechanical Devices”, the 17th International Conference on Engineering Design (ICED'09), August 24-27th 2009, Stanford University, California, USA.

4. Somasekhara Rao Todeti and Amaresh Chakrabarti, “Computational representations for multi state design tasks and enumeration of mechanical device behavior”, The 18th International Conference on engineering design (ICED’11), Copenhagen, Denmark, 15 -19th Aug,2011.

5. Somasekhara Rao Todeti and Amaresh Chakrabarti, “Analysing modifications in the synthesis of multiple state mechanical devices using configuration space and topology graphs”, The 18th International Conference on engineering design (ICED’11), Copenhagen, Denmark, 15 -19th Aug, 2011.

6. M Dinar, JJ Shah, SR Todeti, "Towards a Comprehensive Test of Problem Formulation Skill in Design", Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Design Creativity, 12-14TH JANUARY 2015, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore


Contact us

Dr. S M Murigendrappa

Professor and Head,

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK),


P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangaluru - 575 025 Karnataka, India.

  • Phone No. (O): +91-0824-2473049

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